About Us


"What the Crap.. Rick rolled again >.>''


''i dont even know what im doing in youtube..lol''

We heard you alright, if your friends don't share any good videos with you, you're most probably going to end up wasting loads of your time aimlessly wondering in Youtube looking for good stuffs to entertain yourself or sharing it with your friends.

That's why my brother(Daryl) and I(Gary) came up with KampaiTube. We didn't want to use this name initially cause we know it sounds kinda odd to anyone, and we wanted to call it CTO.blogspot.com (CTO = check this out) and alot other several names, but guess what? this is the internet, they're ALL taken.

Anyways, KampaiTube was made to solve all that problems and infact, KampaiTube is going to be the next social icon, just like how everyone knows what Starbucks is and what is made out of, good coffee. Likewise KampaiTube ONLY provides the best videos everyday! :)

The best videos, everyday. ;)


The design of the logo took some time to come about. We wanted to give out he element of elegance and coolness to our blog through the design ;P

Anyways, if you observe the logo properly, it's actually a "K" turned sideways and sitting on a "T",which makes a "KT" or initials for KampaiTube ;)

Script By KampaiTube

We know that some videos has horrible audio or some of them just speak SO fast that you cant catch a thing and that's why we came up with the script function. And we know some of you love to memorize the joke to tell your friends and this is definitely going to save so much of your time ;)

If you're wondering what script we're talking about, its actually located right below the video and above our 'KampaiTube's review' and only videos with scripting has it.

Trust me, some parts of these videos that has a script, they're ALMOST impossible to be scripted! We played them like 9999999 times over and we still cant catch what noise they're producing.

So basically, what we are trying to say is that, we promise to give our best judgement on what the script is and its not the original script. Bear in mind that the video uploader did not provide us the script of his/her video.

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